Customizing ZOHO CRM for Niche Industries Case Studies and Success Stories

Customizing ZOHO CRM for Niche Industries: Case Studies and Success Stories

Imagine having a unique custom solution for your business that efficiently enhances customer relationships, streamlines operations, and boosts growth – a dream come true for your business, isn’t it?

Well, this is a key rule for making your business successful. In fact, 89% of digital businesses are actively investing resources into personalization because they understand its role in driving their business success. And when it comes to discovering the best CRM software that can be customized to meet your business’s needs, there’s no one that even comes close to Zoho CRM!

They’re not just a CRM software provider; they’re the architects of transformation, the pioneers of personalization. Zoho CRM has been the unsung hero for businesses in the most unconventional fields. From the real estate industry to hospitality companies, they’ve pushed past the boundaries of CRM to deliver unparalleled success.

Prepare to be inspired as we dive into the fascinating world of customizing Zoho CRM. We’ll showcase real-world case studies and success stories that prove this CRM isn’t just a tool; it’s a secret weapon, a catalyst for innovation, and the driving force behind niche industry transformations.

Brigade Plus

Brigade Plus is an extension of the renowned Brigade Group in Indian real estate. They wanted to offer a one-stop solution for all interior design needs, ranging from modular kitchens to smart home solutions.

While Brigade Group had a successful track record in real estate, the new venture faced unique challenges in managing customer relationships, optimizing their sales process, and ensuring a seamless customer experience.


Ponappa PM, the leader of Brigade Plus, recognized the limitations of their existing SAP ERP and C4C system. Complex configurations, limited customization options, and a lack of user-friendliness were hampering their ability to adapt to the dynamic world of interior design. Brigade Plus needed a CRM software solution that could provide a streamlined, efficient, and highly customizable approach to customer relationship management.

Zoho CRM: A Game-Changer for Agappe Diagnostics

Brigade Plus set on a journey to find the ideal CRM system that could align with their vision of transforming interior design. After an in-depth evaluation, they chose Zoho CRM. The reasons behind this choice were compelling:

User-Friendly Interface: Zoho CRM’s intuitive interface made it easy for the team to adapt and start using the system effectively from day one.

Low-Code/No-Code Platform: The low-code/no-code platform allowed for swift and tailored customization, making it an ideal choice for a niche industry.

Extensive Integration Capabilities: Zoho CRM seamlessly integrated with other Zoho applications and third-party solutions, ensuring that all sales processes could be automated from end to end.

Diverse Range of Functionalities: The CRM offered a wide range of functionalities that could be tailored to meet the unique needs of Brigade Plus.

The Impact of Zoho CRM on Brigade Plus

Brigade Plus witnessed a rapid transformation after implementing Zoho CRM:

Improved Sales Efficiency: Within just six months of CRM implementation, sales efficiency saw a significant boost. The sales team could now work with a holistic view of their customers, enabling them to provide more personalized and effective services.

Enhanced Customer Experience: Zoho CRM was thoughtfully configured to ensure that Brigade Plus had continuous access to accurate and relevant customer data. This, in turn, contributed significantly to enhancing the overall customer experience.

Informed Decision-Making: With a wealth of data and insights at their fingertips, Brigade Plus’s team could make informed decisions at all stages of the customer journey.

Brigade Plus’s success story exemplifies the potential of Zoho CRM in revolutionizing operations, streamlining sales, and creating a robust foundation for success. In the dynamic and ever-evolving real estate industry, Brigade Plus is setting a new standard by showcasing that, with the right tools and a commitment to innovation, even niche businesses can thrive and shine.

Why Do Industries Need Tailored CRM Solutions

Agappe Diagnostics

As the fastest-growing company in India’s in-vitro diagnostic industry, with a presence in over 65 countries, Agappe serves as a vital link in the healthcare chain, manufacturing cutting-edge in-vitro diagnostic equipment in the analytical and pre-analytical segments.

With more than 30,000 customers nationwide and a workforce of over 700 employees, including 300 field sales agents and 150 field service agents, Agappe’s success story is truly remarkable.


Agappe Diagnostics, despite its remarkable success, was not immune to the challenges that arise with rapid growth. Their sales and service processes lacked a single, comprehensive system that could seamlessly handle both aspects of their business. This presented a significant hurdle to their goal of providing prompt and high-quality services to their customers.

Challenges faced by Agappe included:

Account Management: The absence of a unified account management system made it difficult to manage their growing customer base effectively.

Field Agent Productivity: Field agents needed a solution to boost their productivity while they were on the move.

Transparent Reporting: Senior management lacked a clear, real-time view of the company’s progress.

Technology Challenges: The existing technology infrastructure presented obstacles to achieving their mission.

Zoho CRM: A Key Player in Overcoming Challenges

Agappe Diagnostics turned to the Zoho EBS team to address their multifaceted challenges. The solution was nothing short of transformative. Here’s how Zoho CRM helped Agappe reshape their operations:

Centralized System: Zoho CRM was set up as the centralized application to cater to both sales and service requirements, creating a unified hub for all customer-related activities.

Customized Mobile Application: A tailored CRM mobile application empowered field agents to be more productive, allowing them to access critical information and updates while on the go.

Integration Power: Zoho CRM seamlessly integrated with telephony and other Zoho products such as Analytics, Desk, Survey, People, Cliq, and Expense, providing Agappe with an all-encompassing business ecosystem.

The Impact of Zoho CRM on Agappe’s Operations

Efficient Account Management: Agappe could now manage their extensive customer base efficiently, ensuring prompt and high-quality services.

Enhanced Field Agent Productivity: The customized mobile application allowed field agents to work more productively, leading to quicker response times and better service delivery.

Transparent Reporting: Senior management gained real-time visibility into their business progress, enabling them to make informed decisions promptly.

Business Transformation: Zoho CRM and its integrations brought about a complete business transformation for Agappe Diagnostics, setting a new standard in the in-vitro diagnostic industry.

Agappe Diagnostics’ journey is an inspiring case study that exemplifies how Zoho CRM can revolutionize operations and drive success even in highly specialized industries.

Minor Hotels

Minor Hotels, an industry stalwart in the world of global hospitality, presides over an impressive portfolio of more than 530 hotels, resorts, and serviced suites across the globe. With a presence in 55 countries spanning Asia Pacific, the Middle East, Africa, the Indian Ocean, Europe, and the Americas, Minor Hotels boasts an array of prestigious brand names.

Their customer base includes an eclectic mix of consumers, travel agencies, corporates, and more, cementing their position as a pioneer in delivering exceptional experiences and world-class services.


As the hospitality industry evolved, so did the challenges for Minor Hotels. Their global sales office, responsible for managing the intricate web of sales data, was grappling with the limitations of spreadsheets. The growing complexity of their operations and the ever-increasing customer data made it evident that they needed a more robust solution. Ensuring the security and privacy of their data was paramount.

Minor Hotels faced unique challenges:

Data Management: Handling vast amounts of customer data efficiently was becoming increasingly difficult.

Sales Process Organization: Organizing the sales process was crucial to enhancing the sales team’s efficiency.

Management Visibility: The leadership needed clear visibility into the sales team’s efforts.

Implementing Zoho CRM for Business Transformation

To meet these challenges, Minor Hotels conducted a thorough assessment of various CRM software solutions. Eventually, they opted for Zoho, motivated by several compelling reasons:

Comprehensive Suite: Zoho One offered an all-encompassing solution that addressed not just the sales team’s needs, but also the requirements of marketing, finance, and management. It was not only cost-competitive but also allowed for expansion without incurring additional costs.

User-Friendly Interface: Zoho’s ease of use and quick implementation, even without extensive technical knowledge, was a significant draw.

Recommendations and Privacy: Trusted recommendations, coupled with Zoho’s robust privacy policies, solidified their decision.

The Minor Hotels Zoho CRM Journey

Minor Hotels put Zoho CRM into practice to tackle their B2B sales process, with a primary focus on creating a centralized data repository, enhancing reporting, and amplifying visibility into sales activities.

Improving the Sales Process

The global sales team at Minor Hotels used Zoho CRM to manage leads, deals, and partners more efficiently. They utilized workflow rules to automate follow-ups, minimizing manual effort and allowing the sales team to devote more time to critical tasks. Every interaction and conversation related to a deal was meticulously recorded in the CRM, providing a comprehensive view for the entire team and reducing dependency on any single individual. The Activities module ensured that no follow-up ever slipped through the cracks, ultimately leading to increased conversion rates.

Enhancing Management Insight

Management harnessed the reporting and dashboard features of Zoho CRM to monitor the sales team’s activities and make data-driven decisions about the future. Detailed reports helped track actions for each specific deal and partner, keeping everyone accountable and informed.

The CRM served as a centralized data management system, enabling data sharing within the global sales team and eliminating the need for fragmented spreadsheets.

Going Mobile for Agility

Given the mobile nature of their business, Minor Hotels fully embraced the CRM mobile application. This allowed sales representatives to record essential details while on the go, ensuring that data entry was never compromised and the CRM remained up-to-date.

In a sector where efficiency, data management, and visibility are paramount, Minor Hotels has set a new standard for excellence, showcasing the transformative capabilities of technology With Zoho CRM, Minor Hotels streamlined their operations, improved sales efficiency, and provided an integrated platform for the entire global sales team.

The Strategic Influence of a Great CRM Consultant on Your CRM Experience

While investing in a powerful CRM software like Zoho is a vital step for any business, it’s equally important to recognize the invaluable role of a great Zoho CRM consultant. These experts serve as the bridge between your business goals and the technology that can help you achieve them. In the realm of CRM, a great consultant can be a game-changer.

Why a Great CRM Consultant Matters?

Tailored Solutions: Every business is unique, and a one-size-fits-all approach rarely yields the best results. A skilled CRM consultant understands this and can customize your CRM to align with your specific needs, workflows, and industry.

Optimal Implementation: CRM software can be intricate, and without expert guidance, you might not harness its full potential. A great consultant ensures seamless implementation, avoiding costly mistakes and delays.

Training and User Adoption: Transitioning to a new CRM system can be daunting for your team. A consultant helps with user training and change management, ensuring a smooth and quick adoption process.

Continuous Support: Beyond the initial setup, a great CRM consultant offers ongoing support, troubleshooting, and fine-tuning to keep your CRM system running efficiently.

Maximizing ROI: Ultimately, a CRM consultant’s role is to help you maximize your return on investment (ROI). They ensure that your CRM system isn’t just the best CRM software but a strategic asset that drives growth and profitability.

Prism CRM Solutions: Your Zoho Authorized Partners in Dubai

As Zoho authorized partners in Dubai, we are dedicated to ensuring that your CRM journey is not just smooth but highly effective.

Why Choose Prism CRM Solutions?

Zoho Expertise: We bring a deep understanding of Zoho’s products and capabilities, helping us customize your CRM to your unique needs.

Local Expertise: As a Dubai-based partner, we understand the nuances of this market and industry, making our solutions highly relevant.

Customization and Integration: We specialize in customization and integration, ensuring that Zoho CRM easily fits into your business ecosystem.

Continuous Support: Our commitment doesn’t end with implementation. We offer ongoing support and training to keep your CRM performing at its best.

Proven Track Record: With a history of successful CRM implementations and satisfied clients, we have a track record you can trust.

At Prism CRM Solutions, we are not just your Zoho consultant; we’re your strategic partner in achieving CRM excellence. We’re here to make sure your CRM system helps your business thrive, adapt and achieve new heights of success. Let Prism CRM Solutions be that partner, guiding you towards CRM success every step of the way!

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