A Guide to CRM Pipeline Management

A Guide to CRM Pipeline Management

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What is CRM Pipeline Management?

The practice of handling incoming sales opportunities and tracking them through the various phases of the lead’s journey until they are finally closed as won or lost is known as sales pipeline management. When a company works on spreadsheets, it can be difficult to keep track of sales and follow-ups as the company grows and evolves. Choosing a CRM with pipeline management features is the modern-day option for firms trying to move away from the clumsy world of spreadsheets.

Importance of CRM Pipeline Management

In CRM, the value of a sales funnel cannot be overstated.A sales pipeline shows you exactly where each customer is in the sales process at any given time. This information aids you in determining the next measures to take to clinch a contract.

Your pipeline can inform you if you are on track to meet your weekly or monthly sales goals. You may also use lead conversion rates to determine how well your sales staff are performing. Pipeline management software, in a nutshell, is at the heart of every company’s sales process. It is a moving, evolving entity that must be constantly monitored in order to remain healthy.

Do you Require a Solution to Assist you in Managing Your Sales Pipeline?

Is it possible to fulfill these responsibilities without disrupting your current sales process? If the answer is no, you will need a pipeline management CRM solution like Zoho CRM software, which will allow you to track various stages across several pipelines.

CRM Sales Pipeline Management Infographics

How Zoho CRM Software Can Help You in Managing Your Sales Pipeline?

It can help in the following ways:

Enhance the sales process

Determine the stages at which leads get stagnant or fall out. Consider how you can make progress go more smoothly.

Estimate Your Financial Situation.

You can estimate future revenue based on the total value of sales in your pipeline on any given day using ballpark calculations based on your current conversion rates.

Examine Your Sales Plan.

If you lose a big opportunity, you can simply figure out what went wrong and when. Recognize your sales strategy’s shortcomings.


Pipeline reports can help you make key sales and product-related choices.

Examine Your Performance.

Keep track of how your company is doing in terms of revenue and make sure it’s expanding as intended.


Based on their experience and skill level, decide who should handle which deals.

Who Can Benefit From Pipeline Management CRM?

Small Businesses

Small businesses are the backbone of the economy. They are also responsible for fueling much of the world’s innovation, thanks to their willingness to try new things and experiment with new ideas.

But small businesses face challenges: they have a lot of competition, they need capital in order to grow, and they’re often underfunded. A CRM can help you address these issues by keeping track of your leads and customers so that you know when it is time to expand or find funding sources.

It helps by providing resources like financial advice, letting you see what kinds of deals other businesses have made in similar situations, letting you identify which customers are worth following up with after they have left their contact information on your website, and helping build customer relationships by making sure everyone is talking about the same thing when communicating back-and-forth within a company department


The sales team is a great fit for a pipeline management CRM, as it can help them streamline their process and keep the entire team on track. Salespeople need to be able to track their pipelines, sales calls and meetings, sales opportunities, and closed deals. They also need insight into where they are in each deal (e.g., prospecting phase, initial meeting phase) so they know when to follow up with prospects or customers.


For managers, a pipeline management CRM can provide key insights into your team’s performance. You’ll be able to see how many deals are in the pipeline at any given time and how many close each month. You may also see how far along each deal is in the sales process and which deals are most likely to close. These metrics can help you make better decisions about where your resources should be allocated when it comes time for budgeting.


If you are an entrepreneur, a pipeline management CRM can help you manage your time better. You will be able to see how much time you spend on each project and what the return on investment is for each task. It also allows you to track sales, see how much money your business is making, and keep up with what your competitors are up to.

Zoho CRM – The Best Solution to Your CRM Needs!

A good CRM helps keep track of all incoming leads and keeps an organized list of all past clients as well as their information; this allows anyone who picks up an existing account from someone else within the company (or even outside) easily access all relevant data about each client without having do extra research themselves.

If you’re looking for a way to ensure your team is on the same page and organized, a pipeline management CRM is the perfect solution. It can help you identify any communication gaps between your team members, and it will give you a visual representation of your sales data that you can use to reach your business goals.

Zoho CRM is known for its powerful features, intuitive user interface, and ability to help businesses of all sizes grow.

Zoho CRM is a full-featured CRM system that can help you manage your sales pipeline and lead the management process. It offers a variety of integrations with other third-party tools, including emails, Dropbox, Google Drive, and more. The app also includes an admin dashboard that provides real-time updates on everything from leads to contacts, from waiting times to orders placed.

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